Dr Christopher Haley BSc (med.sci.) STA MBChB MScHQ DIP med leader FRCPC FRCA FFPMRCA
Studied medicine at St Andrews university, Scotland and Manchester University, England. He went through anesthesia training in Manchester and the North West of England. He undertook fellowships in Medical leadership and pain management. Following his clinical training Dr Haley gained further training in pain management at St Michaels hospital in Toronto, Ontario and subsequently started his independent practice in Kingston Health Sciences centre.
Dr Haley splits his time between acute care in anesthesia and chronic pain management.
He has interests in quality improvement and its resulting patient safety.
Dr Haley has completed a Master's in Healthcare Quality at Queen's University furthering his experience of quality improvement and change management.
In addition to his interests in pain management and quality improvement, Dr Haley is an active member in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and a subeditor for the pain section of the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists tutorial of the week.
Dr. Christopher Haley has been appointed the Medical Lead for the Health Quality Graduate Programs as of July 1, 2024.