I began teaching at Queens in 2011. My expertise and passion are grounded in transpersonal psychology and practices that explore mind-body connections. I utilize this in my work teaching upper year nursing courses including: Community Mental Health (part of N345: Nursing Adults with Acute and Chronic Physiological and Mental Health Challenges), and NURS 405 (Practicum in Community Health Promotion).
I have previously facilitated and co-taught Interprofessional events at Queen’s and have conducted several workshops on Rural and Remote Nursing practice for NURS 401 (Current Issues in Nursing and Health Care). I have also coordinated and taught NURS 330/ THEO 780/ RHBS 830 (Professionals in Rural Practice: An Interdisciplinary Approach). Given my background working in Indigenous communities, I further developed a document outlining teaching prompts to aid students caring for Indigenous patients.
In September 2019, I was awarded the Margaret Leith Bruce Faculty Award for Compassionate Care, 2019-2020. This opportunity has been significant for catalyzing compassion cultivation as a compelling and necessary area of exploration and focus in nursing education. Research on this subject matter has resulted in an expanded sense of awareness regarding the critical role that compassion plays in caring for both self and others; understanding compassion a protective factor in the context of burnout has also been revealed. Presentations and activities specific to these growing understandings are being delivered to both faculty and students at the school through formal and informal events.
Finally, my work with these diverse areas of interest, have resulted in the launching of my role as a Student Wellness Coach. This work began November 2019.
I obtained my Master of Arts degree in the field of Transpersonal Psychology. My final Application/ Integration Paper explored the Jungian concept of Shadow in a work entitled (in part) “Unlocking Shadow’s Door: Exploring the Healer/Teacher Role of Shadow through Myth, Symbol, and Metaphor”. I am also a contributing author on a manuscript entitled “Preparing Students in Professional Programs for Rural Practice: A Case Study” an online publication in the Canadian Journal of Higher Education August 2015. I have co-presented on this same topic at the “Rural and Remote Health Research: Creative Approaches” conference, hosted by the Canadian Rural Health Research Society, October 2012, in Levis Quebec.
Other publications that pre-date my work at Queen’s are not included here.
- Compassion & Wellness activities, 2019-present
- Member of the Awards Committee, 2019-present
- Member of the organizing committee for the annual Preceptor Workshop, 2015-present
- Member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2016-2019
- Nursing Liaison for OIPEP, 2015-2016
- Member of the Progress Committee, 2012-2016
- Volunteer mentor for the Interprofessional Healthcare Team Challenge, Fall 2014
- Volunteer judge for the Interprofessional Collaboration in Action projects conducted during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years
- Guest presenter at the Queen’s Health Interprofessional Society (QHIP) assembly in February 2014 on the topic of “The practicalities of life and work in rural and remote Aboriginal communities”
- Volunteer presenter at Hospice Kingston
External Activities
- I operate a Private Practice in Transformational Coaching that explores mind-body connections in health and healing