Graduate Student Supervision
I am not currently accepting graduate students.
I believe my role, as a teacher at Queen's, is to facilitate understanding so students can achieve the goals they have set in their education as undergraduate nurses. This facilitation includes engaging students into deeper learning. I use a variety of techniques to achieve this including case studies, videos and interactive teaching sessions. I feel learners will commit themselves and will devote the energy needed for learning that is relevant to them and their goals. Additionally, I support the learner by creating a psychologically safe environment in which to engage in learning.
I joined the School of Nursing in 2005. My current area of teaching focuses mainly within the pediatric population. I have supervised and taught students pediatric nursing at the Kingston Health Science Centre and within community agencies. I coordinate and teach the Pediatric Nursing Theoretical Course. I also teach in the fourth year of the Undergraduate Nursing Program coordinating the final integrated practicum course for students.
My Master of Science Research focused on the "Supportive care needs of parents of children with cancer, in transition from diagnosis to treatment". I have worked as a Junior Researcher with Dr. Margaret Harrison on a study entitled "Transitions and continuity of pediatric care: A study of family and provider perspectives". I have been a member of a number of committees supervising Master's Students.
Kerr, L. Harrison, M. Medves, J. & Tranmer, J. (2004). Supportive care needs of parents of children with cancer: Transition from diagnosis to treatment. Oncology Nursing Forum. 31(6). E116-126.
Kerr, L.; Harrison, M., Medves, J., Tranmer, J., & Fitch, M. (2007). Understanding the supportive care needs of parents of children with cancer: An approach to local needs assessment. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 24,(5) 279-293.
Kerr, L. (2008). The Supportive care needs of parents of children with cancer. In Fitch, M. Supportive care framework: A foundation for person-centred care. (pp. 49-55). Renfrew, Ontario.
Hroch, J., Sawhney, M., VanDenKerkhof, E.G., Sears N., Gedcke-Kerr, L. (2019) Knowledge and Attitudes About Pain Management Among Nursing Students in Canada: A Cross-Sectional Study. Pain Management Nursing, 20(4). 382-389.
Wilson J, Gedcke-Kerr L, Woo K, Plazas PC, & Tranmer J. (2021). Effects of Rurality and Geographical Distance on Unplanned Emergency Department Utilization for Children with Asthma: A Population Level Retrospective Cohort Study. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 53(4), 397-404.