The School of Nursing at Queen’s University is committed to ensuring that students are afforded an academic environment that is dedicated to the advancement of learning and that is based on the principles of equitable access and individual dignity; as such, they are committed to facilitating the integration of students with disabilities into the University community. The School of Nursing also strives to preserve the academic integrity of the University and the program by affirming that all students satisfy the essential requirements of the program and program courses.
Each student with a disability is entitled to reasonable accommodation that will assist her/him to meet the program standards and academic requirements. Reasonable accommodation cannot compromise the essential requirements of a program or client/patient safety and well-being. The purpose of a reasonable accommodation is to ensure the student with a disability has the same opportunity as his/her student peers to attain the required operational level, but is not meant to guarantee success in the program.
Exploring reasonable accommodation options may involve the exercise of flexibility by both the University and the student with disability, while maintaining the academic and technical standards and requirements of the program. The student with a disability must be able to demonstrate the requisite knowledge and behaviours, and perform the necessary skills independently and safely. In rare circumstances an intermediary may be appropriate. Instances when an intermediary may not be appropriate include, for example, where the intermediary has to provide cognitive support; or is a substitute for cognitive skills; or is solely conducting an assessment or treatment; or supplements clinical reasoning or judgment. The appropriateness of an intermediary will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Before accepting an offer of admission, students who may require disability-related accommodations are strongly advised to review the policies, procedures, and regulations regarding accommodations and consult with Queen’s University Student Wellness Services and the School of Nursing. Please note that certain accommodations obtained in previous educational settings may not be appropriate, particularly with respect to clinical requirements. If admitted, students will be required to follow the policies and procedures of the University and School of Nursing within which the program is located.
NOTE: specific programs in Ontario may have additional program specific essential requirements.
Approved by COUPN January 2019