I began teaching and as a research assistant at Queen’s in 2000 and started in my current faculty position in 2014. Since completing my undergraduate nursing degree my teaching has included Critical Care and Medicine Clinical Educator roles, interprofessional teaching with colleagues in the faculties of rehab, physiotherapy and medicine, undergraduate nursing education and Nurse Practitioner Health Assessment. Currently, much of my time at Queen’s is spent teaching in the Undergraduate Nursing Program in the acute care clinical area.
I teach an introductory course online in Clinical Instructing through the Canadian Association for Schools of Nursing. This course focuses on providing novice Clinical Instructors evidence based teaching strategies and support in clinical teaching environments to students from around the world.
Clinical Setting
In addition to teaching, my clinical nursing background is primarily in Intensive Care and Cardio Thoracic Surgery both here in Kingston and around Australia. I obtained my Critical Care and Gerontology Certification through CNA as well as Masters Degree in Science following my undergraduate degree. My Masters Thesis involved interviewing Surrogate Decision Makers participating in End of Life Decision Making in the Intensive Care Unit.
Following my Masters Degree I accepted a position as an Advanced Practice Nurse in the Medicine Program at Kingston General Hospital. A year later I enrolled in the Post Masters Nurse Practitioner Diploma program at the University of Toronto. In addition to my faculty position I also work as a Nurse Practitioner at KHSC, Hotel Dieu Hospital site.
Research Publications/Grants
Cahill NE, Suurdt J, Ouellette-Kuntz H & Heyland DK. (2010). Understanding adherence to guidelines in the intensive care unit: development of a comprehensive framework. Jpen: Journal of Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition, 34, 616-24.
Frank C, Pichora D, Suurdt J & Heyland D. (2010). Development and use of a decision aid for communication with hospitalized patients about cardiopulmonary resuscitation preference. Patient Education & Counseling, 79, 130-3.
Frank C, Touw M, Suurdt J, Jiang X, Wattam P & Heyland DK. (2012). Optimizing end-of-life care on medical clinical teaching units using the CANHELP questionnaire and a nurse facilitator: a feasibility-study. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 44(1), 41-58.
Jones NE, Suurdt J, Ouelette-Kuntz H & Heyland DK. (2007). Implementation of the Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition Support: a multiple case study of barriers and enablers. Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 22(4), 449-57.