All in a Day from CBC Radio with Alan Neal
Featured: Dr. Roger Pilon
For the 6.5 million Canadians without a primary care provider, nurse practitioners (NPs) play a crucial role in ensuring the health of Canadians through team-driven clinical care. Queen's School of Nursing is proud to join a coalition of community and public health partners in launching the Partnership for Well Baby Care Clinic - a newborn and early childhood clinic that will provide well-baby health care to infants who don't have a primary care provider. Queen's Nursing faculty member Dr. Roger Pilon, one of the nurse practitioners leading the new Kingston clinic, speaks to CBC All in a Day.
The clinic will be staffed by primary care NPs from the School of Nursing and supported by nurses from KFL&A Public Health. In addition to providing care, the clinic will offer interprofessional educational experiences for undergraduate nursing, nurse practitioner (NP), medical students, and post-graduate medical trainees in family medicine and pediatrics.
Aired: May 9, 2023